Hearts 4 Arch was not only set up to raise money but also to keep the community that Archie loved so much, together and give them something positive to celebrate. We welcome ideas and collaboration for any local fundraising events.

Please get in touch hello@hearts4arch.com.au if you would like to collaborate and help raise funds.

Expression Session - SouthEnd Boardriders

Expression Session - SouthEnd Boardriders

Expression Session is back! Keep an eye on socials for updates closer to the date

Come down for the South End Boardriders surf comp and show us your moves out there.

Open to all grommets, 11am it starts followed by a presentation and the winners will be presented with lots of great prizes!

After the presentation, hang around for some lunch. We cant wait to see what you bring this year.


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South End Boardriders

On Saturday 17th South End board riders area having their annual presentation day.  They are having Paddle out for Archie and expression session from 11am. We will have merch for sale on the day plus there will be gold coin donations with the bbq.

SEBR will be dedicating the 2022 overall junior champ title to Archie and Hearts 4 Arch.

Come down, we’d love to see you!

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All ages Gig Paddo RSL

All ages Gig Paddo RSL

This all began with Hutto (James Hutton) calling us and saying, ‘There are 3 bands who all knew Archie and they want to raise some money for Hearts 4 Arch, would you mind if I organised a gig’! Well! James is a man on a mission and there was no stopping him. On the 25th of November, local bands Gully Days and Mordor and singer songwriter Ben Darby played sets with purpose and passion, none of them would take any of the proceeds with every cent going to Hearts 4 Arch.
Hutto not only had the bands pumped but also gathered up donations from @surfindustries @montytait @richievass @estatecoogee @nickspencerwine all of which made for some frantic bidding in the auction, lead by James Keenan from Ray White, Double Bay and masses of tickets sold in the auction. All in all the night was a hit, everyone who came had a fantastic time and raised just over $8,000, which is amazing! We know Archie would have loved every moment of it.

These memories were captured by Archie’s good mate and Hearts 4 Arch offical photographer Jonah Zeiderman from @jz.photos and Thank you Chris Dent, for capturing the night in motion.

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Southend Boardriders surf competition

Archie, loved surfing so when Richie Faibairn asked if the Southend Boardriders Maroubra could dedicate their October competition to Archie and Hearts 4 Arch we knew he would have been stoked. The comp included an event for the Cadets which is Archies mates age group. The organisers renamed the event after Archie and then included a new event called the ‘expression session’. All of Archies surfing mates know how much he loved to muck around and the sillier the move on a surf board the better. The ‘expression session’ was a competition with the winner being the person who could do the silliest moves on the board. They had to leave the first wave for Archie and then ‘go for it’. Congratulations to @louisetournaud35 @matisjosrolland , @kane_mac07 and @judahmillers who are well practiced having a good time in the surf.

To see Archies mates winning prizes for having fun was the best. We reckon every sport should have an expression session event.

Thanks to all of those who came, had fun, and made a donation to Hearts 4 Arch at the Bbq, it was a great day!

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